Hey all, Jason here.
Alex Johnson, creator of the Fintech Takes newsletter, and I are happy to bring you the latest episode of our monthly podcast, Fintech Recap, where we unpack some of the biggest stories in fintech, banking, and crypto.
This month we had the chance to talk about:
CBW Bank’s fights a $20.5 million civil money penalty that could “imperil” the bank’s existence.
Will the IPO window open in 2025? Chime confidentially files to go public.
CPFB Director Chopra’s parting shots: the bureau files suit against Walmart & Branch (but not partner Evolve Bank & Trust.)
And, as always, what Alex & Jason just can’t let go of.
If you enjoy listening to this podcast and find value in it, please consider supporting me (and finhealth non-profits!) by signing up for a paid subscription. It wouldn’t be possible to do what I do without the support of listeners like you!
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